The latest projections from the Victoria in Future 2019 report show Victoria’ population growing by an average of 125,000 people per year.
Victoria’s position as the fastest growing state in Australia looks set to continue, according to the latest projections released in the Victoria in Future 2019 report in July.
Victoria’s population has increased by a million people since 2011 and could add another million by 2026.
The report, produced by Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Land Use and Population Research team, show Victoria’s population growing by an average of 125,000 people per year in the future and reaching 11.2 million by 2056.
At a glance:
Victoria is Australia's fastest growing stateNine million people live in Greater MelbourneVictoria's population is growing by 125,000 people on average per year.
Nine million people will live in Greater Melbourne and 2.2 million in Victoria’s regions.
Victoria’s major regional centres will be at the forefront of regional growth, with Greater Geelong expected to increase by over 100,000 people by 2036 and Greater Bendigo and Ballarat to add almost 40,000 people each.
Within Melbourne the strongest growth is expected in the inner city and in the outer suburban Growth Areas.
Growth is driven by increasing numbers of births, longer life expectancy and strong migration from overseas and interstate.
People move to places which provide opportunities for employment, education and lifestyle – and Victoria provides all of these.
Migrants are expected to continue to be attracted to what our state can offer.
The report shows the number of births increasing in the future, from almost 80,000 per annum now to 120,000 by mid-century.
Victorians are expected to live longer too: by 2056 life expectancy at birth is projected to increase from 82 years to 87 for males, and from 84 years to 88 for females.
In addition to providing an overview of the drivers and results of our state population, the report has projections data available in downloadable files for detailed analysis or to generate a quick profile for hundreds of defined regions across Victoria - from as large as the whole of the state, to as small as an individual suburb or town, including all of Victoria’s Local Government Areas.
For the full story click here.
