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Strata Success sets new standard

Samantha Reece

A new tool is now available to Owner's Corporations and Body Corporates to help them determine what they are doing well and which areas to focus on.

Strata Success which has been created by AAA is Australia’s first tool which looks at the role of the OC/BC and Strata or Body Corporate Manager.

Ms Reece CEO of AAA stated that Committees were responsible for a range of areas including administration, financial management, building management, governance and resident satisfaction.

“Being on a Committee is an important job because you are looking after the building (asset) and your community and so it is important to understand if there is anything more that you can do to improve,” Ms Reece said.

“We have witnessed a number of high performing apartment communities and we certainly would like to see more of those across Australia. It just makes for a great place to live.”

Strata Success also helps guide the Committee when reviewing their Strata/BC Manager.

“Too often we see personalities get in the way and a Committee may decide to replace their strata/BC manager, but this tool now helps to make sure that the decision is based purely on performance.

“It is objective rather than subjective.

“We believe that Strata Success will be both informative and rewarding and we can’t wait to see the results from the best performing apartment communities in Australia.”

Committees who would like to access Strata Success can do so by becoming members of AAA. Full details of the membership can be accessed here.



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