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Project intervene concerns raised

Samantha Reece

AAA CEO Samantha Reece recently met with Minister Chanthivong who oversees the Fair Trading portfolio in NSW.

While AAA supports the recent legislative changes that increase the number of inspections during construction, AAA did raise with the Minister feedback that the agency has received, regarding Project Intervene.

Project Intervene works to negotiate an agreement between a developer and an eligible owners corporation to make sure serious defects are remediated in a timely and cost effective way.

Ms Reece stated that she raised with the Minister that the defect reports that were created to provide a basis for the rectification works were not being provided to the Owners Corporation.

"We have been advised that the report is supplied to the Developer so that negotiations can commence with Fair Trading as to what key defects will be remedied, but as part of the transparency of this process, the report should also be supplied to the OC Committee and owners," Ms Reece said.

"We understand that sometimes the reports can go in a great deal of detail and you need to sift through and then determine the most critical defects that need to be prioritised for repair.

"But to not provide this information to owners at all is very disempowering and as such this process needs to be given due consideration."

AAA is now awaiting advice from Minister Chanthivong as to the policy adopted by Fair Trading.

"We are very grateful that the NSW Government is open to feedback and we look forward to ongoing discussions in regards to this matter," Ms Reece said.



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