Smoking is curtailed, pets are in and a majority can now rule on redevelopment.
The Queensland Government reform of inflexible body corporate rules should make it easier to redevelop ageing units, townhouses or complexes with unsustainable maintenance and repair costs.
The changes, the first of a two-part overhaul, follow an October 2022 Housing Summit in the Sunshine State.
The first set of changes, announced by Attorney General Shannon Fentiman last month, is expected to make it easier to sell and redevelop ageing community title schemes.
A community title scheme can now be terminated with the support of 75 per cent of the lot owners if the body corporate has agreed it is more financially viable to terminate rather than maintain or remediate the scheme. Previously a single owner could block the termination of a scheme.
The reforms will also improve body corporate governance and management, by making it easier for residents to lodge disputes, and expanding adjudicators’ powers.
Bodies corporate will also be allowed to tow vehicles which are preventing access or causing a hazard.
Consultation on the draft legislation will occur this year.
“We are delivering on our commitment to consult on changes to Queensland’s community titles legislation and will continue working with the Community Titles Legislation Working Group to consider further reforms, like management rights, bullying, and harassment,” Ms Fentiman said in February.
“This is the first of two planned packages of reform for body corporate legislation in Queensland. I intend to introduce the second package of reforms before the end of the year.”

I am on a Committee of a Body Corporate. I was for 20+ years The Chairman of said Body Corporate. Owing to my 84 years I decided it was time to step down and give The Newer Generation a go. I must admit New Generation has New Ideas but at a cost! But that's another story. The new Legislation by the Government deprives The Owners of the right to manage their Investments. Just the Legislation of not allowing pets is surely the prerogative of The Owner?