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AAA comments on Queensland developer review

Samantha Reece

The Queensland government is seeking feedback from industry members in regards to the development sector, which is being driven largely by the Building Confidence Report that was issued by Shergold and Weir some five years ago.

The review focuses on a number of items including whether to licence developers (on par with builders), ranking systems (on par with iCirt in NSW), construction inspections and improving the pool and qualifications of certifiers and quantity surveyors.

AAA Director Samantha Reece stated that the review was extensive and provided the opportunity to strengthen the Queensland apartment sector and owner’s rights moving into the future.

“Our own research shows that 49% of Queensland apartment owners are faced with defects and often lack of accountability and transparency with the complaints process causes undue frustration and a loss of confidence in the apartment sector,” Ms Reece said.

“With the focus on infill becoming the dominant housing choice into the future it is important that steps are taken to ensure greater responsibility with all parties and hence allowing for best practice to become front and centre, for this sector.

“In particular AAA has advised Government of the opportunity to utilise our Apartment Buyer and Owner Education kit and Apartment Audit and Assurance Accreditation programme to kick start the focus on building quality and assist buyers to make better informed decisions.

“The development sector certainly feels disgruntled by cowboys who undermine their reputations and which ultimately creates a crisis in confidence with buying off the plan.”

The AAA has now submitted its comments to the Developer review, which closes on 16 December.

In closing Ms Reece stated that the AAA congratulated Minister Mick de Brenni and the QBCC for initiating this review.

“QBCC is already undergoing a significant restructure under the guidance of the Commissioner, and we understand that this is a mammoth task in itself and hence the ability for industry groups such as AAA to assist with the transition to quality builds makes perfect sense and we welcome the opportunity to partner with the State with our respective areas of specialty.”



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